Monday, May 5, 2014

Where we live in Nauvoo

We arrived in Nauvoo with approximately 40 other senior couples called to serve in the Nauvoo Temple on the afternoon of Friday, April 18.  We were greeted by the temple president and matron President and Sister McArthur and our host couple Rudi and Kathi Diederich.  Elder and Sister Diederich took us and another new couple, Don and Sharon Nelson to our apartments.  There we were able to unpack our car and begin the process of settling.  That evening the Diederich's hosted us at dinner at a nearby restaurant.

Our apartment is located on the first floor at 440 Partridge in Nauvoo.  (Brad and Susan Dalling occupy the apartment on the 2nd floor of the building.)  The apartment is nicely furnished.

There are 24 apartment building in the "flats" that house the temple missionary couples.  Some of the buildings have 2, some 3, some 4 apartments, and a few just one apartment.

440 Partridge
Living Room

Back of Building
Back Yard