Sunday, May 25, 2014

Bentonsport - Cantril

On preparation day we traveled to Bentonsport and Cantril Iowa to see the area.  Three other temple missionary couples traveled with us.  

The Terry, Slack, Dalling and Fairchild Missionary Couples
Bentonsport  and Cantril are in Van Buren County Iowa.  This county is beautiful farm country.   There is a significant Amish and Mennonite population in this area.  

Of particular interest in Bentonsport is a shop called Iron and Lace.  Iron and Lace ( includes a blacksmith who makes a variety of metal items, both decorative and practical.   In addition there are some other small shops along the Des Moines River.  

The river is next to the town.  It is a beautiful setting

The Lace shop sells Queen Annes Lace pottery items.  When we first arrived the owner of the shop did a brief demonstration of how the items available in the shop are made.  (See a portion of the demonstration by clicking on the video opposite).

Queen Annes Lace is a wild flower that grows around Bentonsport.  The flowers are picked and then dried.  The dried flowers are pressed into the clay when the pottery is fired, thus each piece is unique. 

The pottery available at the shop is beautiful. Bonnie purchased two pieces. One of these is pictured here.  

While the ladies were shopping Elders Dalling and Slack passed the time with a game of checkers ... the game ended in a draw.

Boneparte Retreat
On leaving Benstonsport we stopped in Boneparte at the Boneparte Retreat for lunch.  This building was a grist mill that is now on the National Register of Historic Places. 

There is a plaque at the bridge near to the restaurant that states the Brigham Young and the saints crossed here in 1846.

From Boneparte we drove to Cantril to visit Dutchmans store.  Before going to Dutchmans we stopped at a harness shop about 3 miles west of Cantril.  Another buying opportunity. We now own a dinner bell that will be used at our home in Colorado ... just what we needed.  At Dutchmans we bought a few grocery items ... the most important purchases were some pies.  This alone made the trip worthwhile.

We had a delightful time with our missionary companions.