Saturday, June 7, 2014

Our 50th Anniversary

June 1, 1964 we were married in the Salt Lake City, Utah Temple.  We were (perhaps still are) a handsome couple.

We met on July 4, 1963 on a blind date and were engaged by fall.  We both have many memories of this courtship time.

We graduated from BYU in June 1966 and moved to Denver that summer.

We had hoped that we would celebrate our 50th with our children.  But, we were given an opportunity to serve in the Nauvoo Illinois Temple from April - October. So instead of being with our children and grandchildren we celebrated here in Nauvoo.   Hopefully, we will be able to celebrate with our family next year.

The night before (Saturday) we stayed home and had a Digiorno's pizza.  (We go 1st class all the way.)

Before going to church we opened an anniversary book that included a wedding photo from each of our children along with memories and thoughts about us as their parents.  This was really a special treat and memory that we'll treasure for years to come.

We went to church in the morning and then stopped in front of the Nauvoo Temple to take our 50th Anniversary picture.

As it turned out we were responsible for hosting a "break the fast" dinner with three other couples. The missionary couple that lives above us (the Dalling's) had a similar assignment so after we had dinner we met in our apartment for dessert with the other couples (7 in all).  We had lots of dessert and really enjoyed being with the other couples.  We particularly liked the cupcake "50" prepared by Sister Moller.

We received calls from each of our children and really enjoyed the video that Mike put together with comments from each of children and many of the grandkids.
On Monday we received a beautiful bouquet of flowers from Bryan and Justine ... just perfect.

Overall it was a great anniversary celebration.

We love our family and will be glad when we can be with them later this year.  For now we are happy to be serving in Nauvoo.

This is the right place for us to be at this time.