Thursday, May 22, 2014


We sometimes cross the Mississippi River going to Fort Madison and other locations in Iowa by crossing a bridge about 10 miles north of Nauvoo.  It is called the Ft. Maddison Swing Bridge.  If you want to know more about the Ft Madison Swing Bridge click on this link to Wikipedia.  The bridge is used by the railroad for about 100 trains per day.  The bridge was completed in 1927 and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. When barge traffic comes up or down the river the "swings" open so the barges can pass.

There is no vehicle toll when crossing from Illinois to Iowa.  There is a $2.00 toll to cross from Iowa to Illinois.

When a barge is approaching the bridge the bridge closes for vehicle and train traffic until the barge traffic passes.  When you are in the line waiting for the barges it is called "Being Barged". 

Well we've had that experience twice in the last couple of weeks.  The wait time has been 15 - 30 minutes depending on when we arrive and when the barges are coming. 

We were "Barged" a few days ago on a return trip from shopping in Burlington, IA.  The wait was about 30 minutes.  It was a nice day so the wait was pleasant. We definitely would not want to be on the bridge if the barge hit the bridge.  You can see a barge passing under the bridge at this link - Ft. Madison Swing Bridge - Barge passing by.